Feel the Beet

Newsletter Thursday July 15, 2021, 12:54pm - by seantaylor
In-Person Shows this Weekend
FRIDAY (7/16)

(Metal Boy & Good&Evil)
@7pm | Purchase Tix

Friday Night Sh*w
@8:30pm | Purchase Tix


The Little Big Show
@6pm | Purchase Tix

@7:30pm | Purchase Tix

SUNDAY (7/18)

Fabio & Friends
@6pm | Purchase Tix

Kornfeld & Andrews
@7:30pm | Purchase Tix

Online (Virtual) Classes
Megan Gray

Improv Level One (online)

Mondays (8/9) @8pm ET

Ross Taylor

Improv Level Two (online)

Thursdays (8/19) @7pm ET

Rachael Mason

Forms: Le Ronde (online)

Wednesdays (8/11) @6:30pm ET

Character Club (online one-off)

Thursday (8/5) @6:30pm ET

Adam Wade

Storytelling on Zoom (online)

Tuesdays (7/20) @7pm ET

Solo Show on Zoom

Thursdays (7/15) @7pm ET

Armando Diaz

Sketch Writing Level One (online)

Tuesdays (8/10) @7pm ET

And visit our Electives page often to see new offerings regurlarly
Remember Me?

Magnet visits with people we haven't seen in awhile.

Performer Michael Stevens
Magnet Theater
1. Where are you sheltering?

My apartment in Bushwick. Never left.

2. How are you staying sane?

Intentional solitude. Writing lists. Maintaining wellness routines. Therapy. Reading books on screenwriting. Criterion Collection. Generally have been minding my business in the extreme. Tea. Beet juice.

3. What do you miss most?

To keep it 100, I do miss being funny and feeling social. Since the pandemic I've been very withdrawn, and even with things opening back up it doesn't feel easy to bounce back. Laughing in a room full of people is probably the easiest thing a person can do and that's something that I think really kept me balanced.

4. What don't you miss?

People not minding they BUSINESS. Too many bits in a casual hanging out setting. Drinking. Crowded bars. Rangers fans.

5. What do you want to say to the other members of the Magnet community?

Instead of coffee, drink a beet juice with celery, carrot, cucumber, apple, ginger, and a little bit of lime juice. It's a very good morning beverage. If you don't own a juicer, you can juice into a large metal bowl using a nutbag or a cheese cloth. It's actually really good!

Also I hope you all are finding time to enjoy some of the simpler parts of life.