Our homegrown writers and performers bring you brand-new sketch comedy every month in two half-hour blocks of hilarity. Equal parts smart and silly, dark and irreverent, this is the freshest content to come out of our writers' room each month. Our ensembles have been official selections of some of the biggest sketch festivals around the country, but you can catch them right here on our stage.
Magnet Sketch Teams

A whole night entirely dedicated to musical improv, Musical Megawatt showcases everything you love about musical theater, all made up on the spot. Are they magicians? No! Just some of the best improvisers around. Come out every week and catch a rotation of new, never-before-seen musicals all night long.
Musical Megawatt Ensembles

Each week, our hand-picked ensembles converge on the Magnet stage for a full night of high-powered long form. Each group brings its unique style to some of the greatest improv forms, from Harolds to monoscenes and everything in between. Check it out every week and see what your faves are up to!
Megawatt Ensembles
Retired Ensembles
- 1
- 1,000 Foot Whale Claw
- 100 Business
- A
- Action Park
- Adults
- All American
- Alright, Okay!
- American Wormholes
- Aquarius
- Ariana Grande
- Astro Tramps
- Attack Heart Attack
- Atticus
- Aunt Darla
- Aura
- B
- Baby in the Corner
- Baby Shoes
- Bad Lover
- Barbara
- Beatta
- Behemoth
- Big Whoop
- Bloomer
- Bodywork
- Bookends
- Boombox
- Boy-Girl Party
- Breakfast for Dinner
- Brick
- Brightside
- Buddy Club
- Butter Butter Butter!
- C
- Call Tokyo
- Canons
- Captains
- Cash
- Chet Watkins
- Chico Splits
- Chillionaire
- Choral Rage
- College
- Commando
- Contessa
- Cookie Mountain
- Cool Cousin
- Country Bush
- Crush
- D
- Danger Noodle
- Dawson
- Deep Queens
- Dinosaur Jones
- Dispacho
- Dog Scarf
- Dr. Champagne
- Dreadful Affair
- Dunk
- Dynasty
- E
- El Partido
- Enemy Planet
- F
- Family Trip
- Fat Kids
- Fauna
- Featherweight
- Fisticuffs
- Flower Girl
- G
- Gary From HR
- Gem
- Goats
- Good Bones
- Good Company
- Good&Evil
- Grappler
- Grimace
- H
- Hardy
- Harlequin
- Heartbeat
- Hello Laser
- Hench
- Honeymoon
- Horse Girl
- Horses
- Hot Charles
- House Party
- Humongozoid
- J
- Jacktown
- Janet
- Jungle Jungle
- Junior Varsity
- Just Karen
- K
- Kid Cadaver
- Kid Detectives
- Kinfolk
- King Canute...
- Kittyhawk
- L
- Ladyhawk
- Legend
- Leviathan
- Little Dipper
- M
- Magic Dad
- Malarkey
- Mama's Boy
- Meryl
- Metal Boy
- Midnight Heat
- Milk Milk McGinty
- Mint Condition
- Miracle Baby
- Mommy
- Monster
- Mood Light
- Moonshine
- Moxie
- Mr. Bear
- N
- Newport
- Nightshade
- Nintendo
- O
- Oswald
- P
- Party.
- Pax Romana
- Perfect Storm
- Phooka
- Pillow Talk
- Pipe Dreams
- Public Pool
- Pyros
- R
- Ransom
- Ransom Family
- Raw Denim
- Rebel! Rebel!
- Rebound
- Risky Bottom
- Rococo
- Rosencrantz
- S
- Salem
- Science!
- Scout
- Sexy Baby
- She Wolf
- Silver Fox
- Skosh
- Snake Eyes
- Souvenir
- Speakeasy
- Special Hat
- Squash
- StartUp
- Stockton
- Strider
- Student Council
- Sweet/Crüde
- Sweetheart
- T
- Tallulah
- Tambourine
- Teachout!
- Team X
- The Battery
- The Boss
- The Commotion
- The Executives
- The Flood
- The Future
- The GoldenPalace.com Ha! Rollers
- The Heel
- The Imposters
- The Jezebelles
- The Kicks
- The Misses
- The Montels
- The Music Industry
- The Neighbors
- The Nitro Girls
- The Party Lions
- The Sound and The Fury
- The Stragglers
- The Surge
- The Wrath
- The Yes Andersens
- Torpedo
- Track 7
- Trouble Town
- V
- Verrazano
- Viceroy
- Vulcan
- W
- Warm Blooded
- Wendigo
- Wet Denim
- Winston
- Wolf Gang
- Wonderland
- Y
- Youths
- Yum Yum Bangkok
- Z
- Zapruder
- Zeppelin
- Zodiac
- Zoom