"The scene is not about your WHAT it's about your WHO. Meaning, you can talk about anything in a scene, but if the audience doesn't know what drives you, who you are, what makes you tick, they will find it hard to invest in your character or care what happens to you next. And the same goes for your fellow performers -- if you've only been talking about ice cream your whole scene, describing the ice cream, eating ice cream -- what can they offer your character from here? It's just ice cream. BUT, if it's not about the ice cream, but we find out that the PERSON eating the ice cream is lactose intolerant and will endure the discomfort because dammit, they won't let it dictate their life -- now it's interesting! What happens when their appendix is about to burst? They're still going to attend their friend's wedding, dammit! More ideas start to flow, other characters emerge, because the WHO is a lot more interesting than the WHAT." (this lesson comes from Armando Diaz, thanks, Armando!)
Check out Megan Gray in The Armando Diaz Experience (ADX)