One Million Variations of a Mid-Western Mom

Newsletter Thursday August 1, 2024, 2:18am - by seantaylor

Submissions are open NOW for LiveWire's Fall 2024 season. Click here for more info. Deadline is Monday, August 12th.
Musical Megawatt's got something special cooking at 9pm starting in August. Find out more here.
Want to earn credit toward classes? Learn about our internships program.
New Offerings
Christine Magee and Michael Lutton

Improv Level One

Sundays (9/15) @3:30pm

Jason Farr

Improv Level One

Thursdays (9/26) @6pm

Christopher Bell

Improv Level One

Mondays (9/30) @6pm

Elana Fishbein

Improv Level Two

Saturdays (9/21) @4pmAdv Improv Level One

Thursdays (9/5) @6pm

Adv Improv Level One

Tuesdays (9/10) @6pm

Jamie Rivera

Improv Level Two

Mondays (9/9) @6pm

Louis Kornfeld

Improv Level Three

Sundays (8/11) @2pm

Michael Lutton and Frank Spitznagel

Musical Improv Level One

Saturdays (9/14) @1pmMusical Improv Level Three

Wednesdays (8/21) @6pm

Jacob Horn and Frank Spitznagel

Musical Improv Level Two

Tuesdays (9/3) @8pm

Nat Silverman

No-Homework Sketch Class

Mondays (9/16) @6:30pm

Armando Diaz

Sketch Writing Level One

Mondays (9/9) @6:30pm

Adam Wade


Tuesdays (9/10) @6:30pmSolo Show

Thursdays (9/12) @6:30pm


Saturdays (9/14) @11am

Valerie Ward

Villainy: Being Bad on Stage

Thursday (9/12) @6:30pm

[Last Chance] Summer Intensives
Michael Lutton

Improv Level One Intensive

Mon-Fri (8/5) @11:30amImprov Level Two Intensive

Mon-Fri (8/12) @11:30am

Elana Fishbein

Improv Level Three Intensive

Mon-Fri (8/19) @11:30am

Adam Wade

Storytelling Intensive

Wed-Fri (8/28) @10am

Ask an Improviser

"What is the most important improv lesson you ever learned?"

Performer Erin White
Magnet Theater
"I started taking improv classes after I read Yes Please by Amy Poehler, where she says 'Improvisation and sketch comedy let me choose who I wanted to be.' I was a shy kid from a small town in a moment of transition, and improv taught me I didn't have to be those things. Creating a persona on stage with teammates is so fun, and freeing, and fascinating to live in different shoes for even a moment.Through improv, I can be whoever I want! A party-goer wearing a possessed Guy Fieri costume? Sure! An off-brand Christine DaaƩ singing to the Phantom of the Opera from a high school bathroom? Definitely! One million variations of a mid-western mom? Honestly, weekly!

In real life, the ability to "play characters" has given me so much confidence and helped me make choices I never would have made before. Move across the country? Sure! Eat alone at a restaurant? Definitely! Take on a new hobby with the gusto of someone who's been honing the craft for their entire life? Honestly, weekly!

Improv lets me be who I want to be. Whoever I want to be. I can make fun and weird and bold choices, and I can trust that my teammates will always be there to support me - on and off the stage."

Check out Erin on the Magnet stage in her Wednesday Night Megawatt Ensemble Glitter and on her Thursday Night Musical Megawatt ensemble The Night Crew