1. Where are you sheltering?
I've been in Astoria, Queens for the most part of the past year, but as I'm an essential worker I've had to travel to different parts of the U.S. Sometimes, I'm sheltering under an umbrella in the rain mumbling to myself "is this real? Is this REAL?" I was most recently in Charleston, South Carolina and before that in Houston, Texas. Traveling during a pandemic is weird and uncomfortable.
2. How are you staying sane?
Actually, I'm not sure if I ever actually was sane before this pandemic... talk about time for self-reflection! During this pandemic I was finally diagnosed with ADHD (of course...it all makes sense). Now that I have this knowledge about how my brain works, literally every single area of my life has improved drastically. Who knew focusing was important?!
Comedy in all of its forms has been giving me the most strength, pride, and joy. My improv team (Bread Family) practices long-form each week, and everyday I write monologue jokes based on current events with my stand-up group (The Knot). Being involved in the Magnet's Virtual Circuit on Team Indigo was awesome.
I'm so grateful to have been able to continue studying and performing both improv and sketch writing remotely with the Magnet Theater over the past year. I'm much further along my voiceover career path, write everyday, generally feel much more sure of who I am. I will continue to fill my social media platforms with the strange and absurd.