Get your improv reps in at the free Magnet Mixer this Saturday (1/16) at 6pm with host Elizabeth Tallman. Around 5:30pm we will share the sign up sheet and the Zoom link to this community page!
The Virtual Moxie Sketch Lab introduces, builds, and supports an interest in sketch comedy for people who are women, trans, and/or non-binary. It’s a collaborative community project and here is how to get involved! Deadline to submit: January 16th, 2021.
I recently moved to Astoria, where I’m living with three roommates (including the Magnet’s own Gina Cucci!) It's my first time living in Queens and I love it.
2. How are you staying sane?
I super have not, I have gone insane multiple times over quarantine. I am a structurally unsound nut that has been cracked in the also structurally unsound nutcracker of the universe. I am fortunately pretty used to being insane and have also gotten a good amount of baking done.
3. What do you miss most?
I miss being/killing time in the training center on a couch, eating Woorijip, getting writing done (getting not a lot of writing done), and inevitably running into someone I know.
4. What don't you miss?
I was going to say I miss everything but then I remembered trying to get around the theater during any major sporting event at MSG, that sucked.
5. What do you want to say to the other members of the Magnet community?
If you're having a great time and using this period to work on yourself and grow and change - I am very proud of you and also resent you a little but will do my best not to hold it against you when we meet up in person again. If you're not doing any of those things, I am also very, very proud of you.