Getting to Know: Francis Fuster

Getting To Know Friday November 9, 2018, 10:00am - by Magnet Theater

Welcome to Magnet's "Getting To Know" series! We're using our blog to highlight our fabulous performers and writers and we can't wait for you to meet them. Want to see them all? Click here.

Francis Fuster looking over her sunglassesWhat’s your name?

Francis Fuster.

Which team or show are you on?

Gary From HR.

Where are you from?

Queens, like Fran Drescher.

How did you get into improv/sketch comedy?

I listened to an Aziz Ansari standup bit once and was curious where he went to school, so I IMDB searched him and found out he did UCB. I grew curious about UCB and found out that the majority of the cast of Parks and Rec did UCB and me myself, being a native New Yorker, learned that UCB is just a borough away, and decided to sign up for classes upon graduating college.

How long have you been performing/writing?

6 years.

Who in all the world would be your ideal scene or writing partner?

Robin Williams.

Who would you most like to impersonate or write for?

Currently--Cardi B.

What makes you laugh the hardest?

Cat/Dog videos/GIFS.

Describe the soundtrack to your life!

Sarah Bareilles albums, Disney songs, MCR followed by white noise.

What's something you'd ask when meeting someone for the first time?

How's your day/night going?

Where can we find you on a Saturday night?

In Queens with my 14 year old dog.

What's your favorite cliché life advice?
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change *poof*.