David Puck Drag's Book of Interactive Stories + Improv & Musical Improv Jam

About the Show

Half show, half jam - Shojam!

Show: Mother Goose meets Goosebump's Choose Your Own Adventure meets The Drag Race Rusical. David Puck Drag (IG @DavidPuckDrag) is the living storybook, improvising a story with audience interaction throughout. Do you ever have the urge to shout something out during an improv show? Well here you can!

It's a solo show so if you're curious how solo improv can possibly work, come find out.

Jam: After the show we continue the interactive fun with a 30 minute audience improv jam, hosted by David Puck the living storybook. Musical & Non-musical improv scenes and games. All experience levels are welcome, and you can just watch if you don't want to play.

Magnet Theater
254 West 29th St. New York NY 10001