The Director Series: The Subject

About the Show

"The Subject" is the fourth installment of The Director Series, a 4-week series of performances wherein a Director selects a cast and presents a different form.

This month Christina Gausas is directing "The Subject" -- an improvised form that follows the central character of the evening (the subject), never leaving the stage while the others enter and exit as various friends, relatives, demons and fantasy figures. Scenes in the present alternate with remembrances of things past (or, on occasion, visions of the future), sometimes jogged by a resonant object or sound. The effect is of life flashing before someone's eyes and you witnessing every recollection.

Created by Alex Fendrich


Alex Marino

Angela DeManti

Binu Paulose

Liz McDonnell

Louis Kornfeld

Megan Gray

Ruby Marez

Sebastian Conelli

Tom Levin

Magnet Theater
254 West 29th St. New York NY 10001