Sara McDonough

(Performer)Sara McDonough thinks improv is a beautiful way to make friends and experience joy. She has primarily studied at The Magnet, but has also taken classes at iO and The Second City. Sara is also on indie team No Duds, which doesn’t have a direct affiliation with Milk Duds but they play it up for the promo. Sara likes the candy but always forgets how much it sticks to her teeth. When she’s not doing improv, Sara can be found dancing - either absolutely letting it rip on the dance floor or just groovin’ a lil in literally any other location. If the music moves her she simply won’t hold back. Her signature dance move is the slow-motion death drop. She aspires to one day death drop at full speed. Sara’s other interests include cooking, being queer, and learning about assorted topics through MasterClass. Is she going to become an Olympic gymnast? Probably not, she’s afraid of heights. But now she can watch the Olympics and provide commentary like she knows what she is talking about even though she only kinda does. What brings a smile to Sara’s face? Piña coladas because they taste like summertime, getting to the subway platform right before her train arrives, and her fellow Cool Cousins. Being part of Cool Cousin is an absolute delight and Sara would love everyone to share in that delight by seeing them perform at Megawatt!