Robin McNamara

(Performer)Robin McNamara hails from Boston, Massachusetts and is still proud of her 617 area code. She is a teaching artist with the beloved Story Pirates and actor who is passionate about working with kids. Robin discovered improv as an only child in her living room acting out scenes with her very talented stuffed animals. She studied theater at UMass Amherst, and performed on the improv team Mission: IMPROVable. Her stage name was Bambi. Before moving to New York, Robin traveled abroad teaching and working at hostels and has many stories to share. She then had a short stint improvising at the wonderful Improv Boston. She is very excited to have found a home at Magnet Theater and has learned from all the great teachers and has met the coolest creative people here. Robin is currently a member of the Magnet Megawatt Team Sexy Baby and loves the babies with all her heart. She also performs on the Sketch Team Rococo. RIP Perfect Storm, her first sketch team. Oh also -- everyone thinks she looks and sounds like Emma Stone, is it true?