Lex Morales

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(Writer, Performer)

Lex Morales is a writer, actor, improviser and psychonaut.

As an improviser he has performed and taught all over the country including IO West, UCB NY&LA and the Magnet. FUN FACT: Lex was the first improvisor on both a UCB Harold team (Beatrice) & Magnet Megawatt (The Future & Junior Varsity)

As a sketch writer he wrote and performed for the Magnet Theater?s very first sketch show along with Jarret Berenstein, Greg Wilker and Bill Suter.

As a director he has directed the shows Dinner with the Fergusons and Lex is God.

As a psychonaut, he has transcended both time and space on multiple occasions. He has experienced unconditional love, oneness with the universe and death. Currently he is working on being love and in the moment. Ask him about it sometime!

You might have seen him on The Colbert Report, ESPN's Mayne Event, or the short films The Decomposers and Finding Priya a Prom Date.

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Past Ensembles

The Future, Enemy Planet, Adults