Jackie Skinner

(Writer, Performer)Jackie Skinner is a comedian based in NYC. She has been studying improv since Fall 2014 at the Hideout and Institution theaters in Austin, Second City, and Magnet. Having also studied sketch comedy at Second City, she has written and performed sketch at Magnet and Reckless theaters.
Comedian and creator of Lies We Tell Ourselves, a solo character show showcased at PIT Solocom, Improv Boston, Chicago Sketchfest and Austin Sketchfest and selected as one of Timeout New York’s “Top things to do this weekend” in 2022. She's also performed stand-up on shows and festivals all over the US, including the Boston Comedy Arts Festival, iO Chicago’s Comedy Festival, Seattle’s Highlarious Festival, and Funniest Person in Austin…to name a few.
In addition to Musical Megawatt, Jackie has also been on several Magnet Sketch teams, including weekend team The Executives, and has directed sketch for Magnet's Remix, Moxie, and Livewire programs.
Jackie began amateur singing and dancing in 1994 alongside her sister, Catherine, performing self-choreographed routines in the Skinner-family kitchen during dinnertime.