Ellie Barrickman

(Performer)Ellie Barrickman is an actor and comedian hailing from (the suburbs outside of) Philadelphia. She stumbled upon improv in 2017 and loved it so much, so she did a bunch of improv at UCB and the Magnet Theater. Now, she’s on Megawatt Team ‘Wet Denim’ and they tear it up every Wednesday. She does other shows sometimes too and her favorite ones are Cagematch, Spaceprov, Headliners, and ‘The Life and Times of Joey Chestnut’ (a comedy musical that she wrote! You can hear about all these shows and come to them if you follow @elliebarrickman on Instagram. How cool is that?) You can also catch Ellie in the pivotal role of Young Waitress on Netflix’s “The Watcher," in the IT office at Fordham, or petting dogs on the street.