Chloe Metzger

(Performer)Chloe Metzger is a writer, editor, and improviser based in Brooklyn, originally from nowhere, because she moved every two years of her of childhood and considers herself an orphan of America.
After graduating from University of Iowa with a nifty English lit degree, Chloe moved to NYC and began studying improv at Magnet Theater in 2015. Since then, she's learned exactly how to be a really cool person from Hannah Chase, Louis Kornfeld, Peter McNerney, Rick Andrews, Nick Kanellis, and everyone else who has indulged her in hour-long discussions about the theory of improv comedy.
Offstage, Chloe can be found chained to her computer, writing and editing late, late into the night. Her work has appeared in Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Allure, Seventeen, Reductress, and a few literary journals now collecting dust in her grandmother's basement.
If you see her around the theater, please say "hi." It's only polite.