Bianca Casusol
(Megawatt Director, Instructor, Performer)Bianca Casusol is a performer based out of New York City.
She's been lucky enough to teach at festivals across the country, The Magnet Theater, The People's Improv Theater,DSI Comedy Theater, and The North Carolina Theater Conservatory and to learn from every person she's ever played with. When she's not doing make believe, she's turning children's short stories into sketches as a touring member of The Story Pirates or trying to pet every animal.
She was a founding member of the Kiss:Punch:Poem, which Time Out Chicago called, " a rare find, a show that mixes improv with spoken word to effects both uproarious and heartfelt". Her work has been featured on The Truth Podcast, Hot Mic with Dan Savage, Risk!, Bust Magazine, and Reductress.
Please let her pet your dog.