Improv Level One Classes

From day one you will jump into a series of fun warm ups and games designed to ease you into improv. Before you know it you will be playing scenes and learning how to heighten and explore your ideas. As the class progresses you will learn how to do 2 person scenes, group scenes, group games and how to deliver simple monologues. The class is all about fun and support. Whether you are a beginner who has never improvised or someone who has improv experience, you will learn strong fundamentals that will build your confidence, improve speaking skills and foster spontaneity

Improv Level One Intensive
Mon-Fri 11:30am - 3:30pm (in-person)
Starts: August 5th
Ends: August 9th
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Improv Level One
Sundays 1pm - 3pm (in-person)
Starts: August 18th
Ends: October 13th
(1 Spot Left)
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Improv Level One
Wednesdays 6pm - 8pm (in-person)
Starts: August 21st
Ends: October 16th
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