Q&A: “One More Drink” with Megan Meadows & Hannah Wright

Interviews Wednesday November 8, 2017, 7:00am - by Magnet Theater

Don't you DARE call for a car home just yet because you *have* to stick around for One More Drink. This Friday, your best friends Megan Meadows and Hannah Wright are hosting a variety show that, for real, you can't afford to miss. We chat with the show's hosts about what's in store, what they like to drink, and other hot goss. You'll have to join them this Friday, 11/10, at 11:30 pm for the full scoop though.

Can you tell us a little bit about your show?

H: Our show is like a topical variety show meets a fun Friday night party! We are basically just being our ridiculous selves, discuss recent events in the ALWAYS HILARIOUS/TERRIBLE NEWZ, and highlight a bunch of different kinds of talent (drag queens, “experts”, etc.) It’s a good time!

M: You know how you go to like the best party of the year and nobody ever stops talking about that party because the hosts are so beautiful and the hosts are so hilarious and and the hosts are actually Princesses disguised as paupers? That’s our show. With a bean dip.

H: We might not have a dip this time though because Megan proved she could not handle the responsibility and lost it last time.

Both of you have experience with sketch comedy -- how does that compare to putting on a variety show like One More Drink?

H: It’s totally different! When I was on sketch teams at the Magnet, I got really comfortable writing and performing a certain way, and always playing a different character. With this show, I’m basically just being myself and trusting my OWN comedic voice. It’s scarier but more rewarding!

M: We get to be drunker. And heckle the audience. ( I went to school for PR, so I know how to sell a show.)

What are some new things you’re hoping to bring to your upcoming show compared to the previous One More Drink show?

H: We have a bunch of different performers in this show, an amazing drag queen who will be performing, and a bunch of new REASONS TO PARTY. Last show we thought we were all gonna die because of climate change, and now we realize we will all die from nuclear war long before that!

M: Wait. Do you think we need to bring something different? Did you see the interpretive dance we did to Ke$ha last time? Bc… it was honestly pretty great. Should we get a blow out this time? Will the Magnet pay for it? Does Quinton do hair?

H: I’m honestly considering wearing that same jumpsuit though do you think that people will judge me???????? Chrissie Gruebel said I should wear it every time. She like, is good at fashion I feel like.

M: Yes. And. Do it. - IMPROV. I can’t wear my outfit again bc you can see my cucu. Haha and I wanna be able to DANCE THE SHIT OUTTA THIS. Ok, I’ll wear my jumpsuit too. You’ve talked me into it.

H: To answer your question, YES, we will be wearing jumpsuits.

What sorts of drinking games will you be playing during the show?

H: We play a game called “I’m Sorry What???” where we play clips from something like the Bachelor, and drink every time the awkwardness of it makes us say, obviously, “I’m sorry, what?!”

M: I dunno, we just copy what Andy Cohen does and pretend we made it up. Or, just watch the news and cry. That’s our fav drinking game.

H: Also Ru Paul.

How do you think alcohol affects each of your performing abilities?

H: Wait. Who told you to ask this? Are you judging us? We literally only have pinot grigio every time Trump says or does something horrifying. Or, if we have a date. But like, we never do.

M: Full disclosure: once Hannah had a dream she was drinking wine at 8:30am at work though. WE ARE FINE!!!

H: Mego I told you that in confidence. Honestly though, I could have a bloody mary right now.

What is your drink of choice - while performing?

H: WE’RE FINE!!!!!!!! (vodka)

M: Sorry, what was the question? Yes, George, another mimosa please.


You gotta see One More Drink this Friday, 11/10, at 11:30 PM - I mean, ya gotta!