Magnet Video Lab: Get Involved!

Video Tuesday October 6, 2015, 11:46am - by Magnet Theater


Over the course of its first three seasons, the Magnet Video Lab has established itself as a reliable creator of quality comedy video content. It has produced three successful shows at the Theater and over 30 unique videos available online, many of which feature Magnet Theater performers. Now, it's ramping up for Season Four!

How does it work?
The Video Lab is organized into small teams of approximately 8 members each, similar to improv teams or sketch teams. The groups will consist of members who can do several of the following – write, act, direct, DP, edit, produce, lighting, sound, graphics/animation. While there will be dedicated “production staff” members on a given team, whose job is primarily to DP/run lighting/sound/edit/etc., every team member is encouraged to learn every job.

As team members become more proficient in each skill, the production workload will be more evenly shared, and the quality and quantity of the team's videos will increase. Each team will be assigned an “Executive Director” who will serve a variety of functions, including helping decide which scripts to produce, giving notes on scripts and rough edits, helping to set production schedules, and communicating with Magnet administration.

How do I apply? How do I find out more?
Join us for an information session: Wednesday, October 14th, 6pm at the Magnet Theater Training Center.

Other questions? Email: