Q&A: Fact or Fiction with Louis Kornfeld

Interview Monday February 19, 2018, 10:00am - by admin

Did you know they left the word "gullible" out of the dictionary? Okay, maybe that was a fib, but luckily we sat down with Louis Kornfeld to talk about his upcoming show Fact or Fiction, where performers work off true stories from their own lives. No fibs allowed! Reserve tickets for the show, Monday, February 26 at 9:00!

What's special about improvising from true stories?

The audience gets to know the people who are creating the show they're watching. I think it's more intimate. There's less pressure to create a perfect comedy product when you can step out of a scene at any given moment and talk directly to the audience to let them know what you think about what's going on.

What's the craziest story you've ever heard at this show, or in rehearsals for the show?

I remember two or three very moving stories, but I wouldn't be comfortable repeating them out of context.

In the Armando Diaz Experience, a monologist shares a story and then improvisers perform based off that.  How is Fact or Fiction different?

In Fact or Fiction the storyteller becomes a character in the scene. So for example, someone might step out and tell a true story about the time they got an autograph from DeForest Kelley and while they're talking another person might join them and play Gates McFadden sitting at a convention autograph table. So now that person is telling their true story about DeForest Kelley to Gates McFadden. Any Star Trek fans reading this don't need me to tell them what a cool scenario that is.

Are there any pitfalls to avoid when performing scenes based on real life?

Not really, other than using taste and judgement. If someone is generous enough to tell us all about a very sad thing in their life then you should know not to come out and join them with your wacky 'guy who talks out of his butt' character. Be a human being relating to other human beings. Good advice for any improviser, I think.

If someone tells a story that is not true, are they excommunicated from the show for life?

No, that's silly.


Search for the truth at Fact or Fiction on Monday, February 26 at 9:00 at Magnet!