Join Magnet’s Street Team! Earn a Free Class!
If you are any of the following
The person who always has the most audience members at your class shows.
Constantly nerding out about improv to anyone who will listen.
Someone who has a Magnet stamp on their hand nearly every day of the week.
Itching for a free class.
Interested in getting some marketing experience.
A real human and not a wolf.*
then you definitely sound like Street Team material!
How does it work? Glad you asked.
We want to fill the house with cool people who enjoy fun and laughterand this is your chance to help us do that. The Street Team will partner up with the promotions department to help get the word out about our shows! If youre enthusiastic about Magnetwed love to hear from you. (Plus, did we mention you can earn a free class? Right. Better get on this.)
Simply email Evan and Chrissie at and well give you all the details!
*Again: no wolves.