Announcing Megawatt Auditions!

We're excited to announce we will be holding auditions for Wednesday night Megawatt teams the first weekend of December!
Please note: The next season of Megawatt will be a little different than previous seasons. Beginning in December, Megawatt will run as usual at 7pm, 8pm, and 9pm. There will be no 10pm Megawatt hour, which means that each week 2 teams will have a bye week.
Still with us? Great! Read on for more information about Megawatt and how to sign up for auditions:
Who can audition for Megawatt?
Anyone who has completed Team Performance Workshop at the Magnet and is not already cast on a weekend show (i.e. a weekly Magnet show consistently scheduled on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday) is eligible to submit. Also, if you took Advanced Improv Level 2 before August 2024, when it was the equivalent of TPW, you are eligible to audition.
If I'm cast, what is the time commitment of being on a Megawatt team?
Megawatt teams perform every Wednesday at 7pm, 8pm, and 9pm. The season will last for six months. Each team will have a different time slot every Wednesday. In addition to performing on Wednesdays, house teams are expected to rehearse regularly.
Is there a financial commitment?
Teams are expected to cover the cost of rehearsals, which include room rentals and coach fees.
When are auditions?
Auditions will take place on Friday, December 6, from 5:30pm until 10pm. Callbacks will be on Saturday, December 7, from 12pm until 5pm.
Where are auditions?
Auditions will be held at Michael Howard Studios, 152 West 25th Street, on the 10th floor.
What is the deadline to submit?
5pm on Wednesday, November 27.
When will I know what my audition time is?
Emails with audition slots will be sent out on Sunday, December 1.
How do I sign up?
If you've completed TPW and are not currently on a weekend team, you can sign up by filling out THIS FORM!