Learn from Improv’s Future Gurus (FOR FREE)

Classes, Free, Training Center Friday August 16, 2019, 5:38pm - by admin

We’re looking for eager improvisers to participate in warm-ups and exercises run by the students in the Coaching Class. All the details are below—but keep in mind that space is limited. Prerequisite: completion of Magnet Improv Level 1. Hope to see you there!

When to be available: Sundays August 25th- September 29th  from 12:30-2:30pm 

How to sign up: Simply send an email to schooldirector@magnettheater.com with the subject line: “COACHING CLASS VOLUNTEER.” Please include your full name and phone number and confirm you are available.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at (212) 244-2400.